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Showing posts from February, 2019

Decoding the Polar Vortex

Parts of America are colder than Antarctica! This was the headline in major journals worldwide and surely has been the hot (or should I say cold) topic discussed & debated amongst environmentalists and people across the globe recently. The conditions were certainly quite harsh in a few areas of the USA. The temperature has been recorded as low as -40 ° Celsius; said to be the lowest the mercury has dipped since several decades. The reason for this sudden sweep of cold winds is attributed to 'Polar vortex'. What is this Polar Vortex? Is it some newly coined term or it has always existed? Has the temperature ever been so low in USA because of it in the past? How long is this to stay? Read on to get the answers to these questions. Cassini model over Saturn's North Polar Vortex: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI/Kevin M. Gill What is Polar Vortex? Before answering the question, let me talk about a few basic terms from Geography. As we all know, Earth is divided into 2 halv