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Showing posts with the label Water bodies

Arabian bay and Sea of Bengal!! Nope, that does not sound right.

Water, one of the essentials for existence of any life form on planet, is available to us as a gift of nature in many forms. We have various water bodies that cover more than two thirds of our planet. Let us talk about some of these water bodies and how to identify them. Ocean :  The largest of all the water bodies on planet, oceans are salty and cover 71 percent of earth’s surface. Sea :  It is a large water body of saline water which is usually connected to an ocean. However, there are few large (really very large) salt water lakes, like Dead sea and Caspian sea, which are surrounded by land from all sides but still referred as sea. Bay :  Bay is a water body that is surrounded by land from three sides. On the fourth side is usually a bigger water body like an ocean. Gulf : A larger bay. Moat :  A deep trench like structure which surrounds an establishment like a city or a fort.                                 A Moat Lagoon :