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Showing posts with the label spider

Is Spiderman's web really that strong? Know more about spider web and spider silk

“You guys have started to pick up some interesting topics lately”, commented Shikhar in our college whatsapp group in response to our last blog post on how lizards manage to cling and move on walls. While the post, due to obvious reason of being about lizards, made few of our readers go ‘eww’, Shikhar and few others found it really enlightening. While we were thanking Shikhar for his kind words, he asked a question. “Is the spider’s web really as strong as they show in the spiderman movies?”. Well, I told him, that I will find that out for you. And here I am, fulfilling my promise. Spider webs are a common sight around us. Small webs made by spiders near the corners of walls and ceilings. These webs are multipurpose device created by spiders sometimes to protect their bodies and eggs, but primarily to catch their prey. However, there are few species of spiders who do not built webs at all or catch prey using other methods as well. Spiders (along with few other insects and la