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Showing posts with the label Tortoise and Turtles

Can Mr Oogway fight Shredder? No, since he ain't a Turtle !

Long ago in the dense forest lived a rabbit. Quite fast and agile, the rabbit challenges a Tortoise for a race...... This is too common a tale not to be a part of anyone's childhood bedtime stories. At the end, was a life long advice from the story.... Slow and steady wins the race. As we grew up (90s kids specifically), bedtime stories gave way to addictive video games. Ninja Turtles was one of them. The turtles had to fight the likes of powerful 'Shredder' to save the city and win the game...   Well this article isn't about stories or games or lessons learnt etc. I suppose you must have guessed it. Yes, it is about the difference between Tortoise and Turtles.  What is the difference between a Tortoise and a Turtle? For the very first difference, Tortoise dwell on land while Turtles mostly live in water. This can be easily correlated with the story of Rabbit and Tortoise. Since the race was on land, we can infer and also remember that Tortoise is a la