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Showing posts with the label Leap second

Know what is a 'Leap second' - Smaller sibling to Leap year.

"What are you guys doing tonight? Any plans?", I queried my ex-roommates. "I am completely free. Have nothing to do. Will be just watching some TV series over the laptop", replied Aman, in his inimitable style: eyes partially closed, hands open and a wide grin on face. "Have you read my latest article on How does a painkiller works I published today? Itna time hai to bhai ka blog hi padh lo", I said with a pinch of anger.  "You write about leap second and I will for sure read your blog."  Quite curious myself to know about Leap second, I took a note of the request and hence I dedicate this blog to my dear friend and ex-roomie Aman.  Leap year. A year that comes once in 4 years. Almost certainly, you all will be aware as to why it happens. Our earth revolves around the sun in 365 days and 6 hours. So after every 4 years, this extra time adds up to 24 hours or typically one full day, which is represented by the addition of Februa