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Showing posts with the label History of Seat belts

Doctors save lives, and so do engineers.

Imagine you are driving your lovely car at a decent pace and suddenly see an animal on road. You hit the brake hard and as Newton’s law of inertia has it, you get a jerk forward, about to collide with the steering wheel, while your beloved sitting next to you spills the coffee cup and is about to hit the dashboard and the windshield. But you are not tensed in that fraction of second, because you ‘belted up’. Yes, the seat belt comes to rescue, saving the driver and passenger from colliding in to the car’s body. Masterpiece! You can pull it all the way to the buckle while you pull it slowly, but it senses the jerk and lock itself, so that people in the car are safe. Let us talk a bit about this life saving engineering masterpiece. Seat belts were first invented in mid-19 th century and the credit goes to an English engineer, George Cayley. However, the first patent for using belts as a ‘safety measure for humans using hooks or other equipment to secure the body w