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Showing posts with the label States and Union Territories

How did States and Union Territories come into existence in India?

"When was the First battle of Panipat fought?", asked Professor Sreeram in our Marketing class, during my second year of MBA. Not a marketing question definitely, but Sreeram sir, a learned man he is, had a knack of asking such questions (my perception 😊). "17th century", "16th century" and some other replies from our classmates didn’t make sir happy. "1526", came out a reply amongst the chorus of other responses. "Who said that ?", asked the professor. I, generally a backbencher, since the days height-wise seats allocation wasn’t the norm anymore, slowly raised my hand. "That is correct. What's your name?" "Prakhar". Brimming with confidence, gazing at my colleagues Shubham, Mrigendra and Ritesh, I proudly exclaimed. "That is correct. And when was the second battle of Panipat fought?" All the confidence shattered just like a mirror struck with stone. The cool expression