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Showing posts with the label Types of tea

Varieties of Tea: White, Green, Yellow, Oolong, Black Tea

Tea(or Chai) for many, is the first thing that is gulped down the early morning. Over the time, people have become accustomed to wide varieties of tea, some just for having multiple options, but majority, because of the health concerns. Green Tea / Black Tea have become a common name, but are you aware of the difference that exists among the various categories ? Let's read it in the section below. How is Green tea different from White/Black/Yellow Tea ? Tea is generally categorized based on how it is processed and the level of oxidation the leaves undergo. Usually, it is classified as : 'White', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Oolong(or Wulong)', 'Black(called red tea in China)', and 'Post-fermented tea'. The point worth mentioning here is:  ' A lesser processed Tea leaf is greater in antioxidants and hence is best for health'